Your Name: Email Address: Phone Number: Address (Street, City, State and Zip): Do you have a valid driver's license? YesNo Issuing State for your driver's license: Painting Experience (in years): Are you currently employed? YesNo Your experience in the painting field: (you may check as many as apply) ResidentialCommercialInstitutionalIndustrialJob ForemanPainterHelperEstimatingBrushRollerSprayRefinishingLight CarpentryPaper HangingFaux FinishesNone Have you ever been convicted of a felony? YesNo If Yes, please explain: Do you have any job-limiting injuries? YesNo If Yes, please explain any physical/mental condition that would in any way interfere with your ability to perform the requirements of this job?
EMPLOYER NAME 1 (MOST RECENT): Employer Address: (Street, City, State and Zip) Job Description and Duties: Reason for leaving Employer: Employer Phone Number: Start of Employment: End of Employment: Annual Salary or Hourly Rate:
Name of High School Attended: Are You Currently Enrolled In School Of Any Kind? YesNo Did you graduate High School? YesNo Did you graduate Trade School? YesNo Did you graduate College? YesNo Describe your skills, abilities and/or qualities: Describe anything that would assist you in the job you are applying.